About San Francisco District 11 Democratic Club

About the San Francisco District 11 Democratic Club

The District 11 Democratic Club is an officially chartered Democratic Party organization in Supervisorial District 11, San Francisco City and County. 

The Club hosts special events and activities including Civic Education Outreach, Membership Meetings, Endorsements, and other special events depending on the election calendar. In election years, we produce a Door Hanger Guide for Voters with voting information and a list of endorsements. We also produce a GOTV mailer with our endorsements.  General Membership Meetings featuring discussions of topical issues are usually scheduled on the second Wednesday of February, April, September, and November. In addition, we schedule a Dinner & Auction on the first Friday of June and a Holiday Party on the first Sunday of December. Board Meetings are scheduled by special arrangement. The Club is administered by a Board of Directors; Club members, who wish to become more actively involved are invited to consider volunteer opportunities as a board member or chair.



Acting Officers & Chairs through January 2023


President: Rosario Cervantes, Excelsior, [email protected]


The President is the chief executive of the Club. The President shall preside at meetings of the general membership and of the Executive Board. The President is the official spokesperson for the Club. The President shall appoint all committee chairs. The President and the Treasurer shall confer on all financial matters. The president shall be the first delegate to all conventions, council meetings, and Democratic groups and organizations, and perform such other duties

Rosario Cervantes is our current President and she has been active with SF District 11 Democratic Club for more than 10 years. During her tenure as a leader on the Board, she has held the position of treasurer, membership chair, and Vice President. She believe in working together and organizing to find leaders that represent our values and to work on common goals such as being a leader in my field. She remaines engaged and focused to better improve life and working conditions for others. She is proud to work with the diverse group of women and men on the Executive Board.  


 Vice President: Lisa-Anne Lee, Cayuga Terrace, vp@sfd11dems.com


The Vice-President shall perform all duties delegated by the President. The Vice-President shall succeed and fulfill the unexpired term of the President in the event of the President’s resignation or incapacity to serve. When the President is temporarily unable to serve, the Vice-President shall assume the President’s duties until the President resumes duty.

Lisa finds the political balance between purpose and influence challenging.  As an organization, how do we codify our mission so we are not always having to redefine our values of equity, justice, and antiracism/antibias?  At the same time how do we present our organization to broadly build unity as a coalition between diverse and sometimes antithetical interests?  As it relates to endorsing candidates—  how much time do we want to spend reading vaguely ambiguous statements rather than asking reality-based interview questions about their reputation, integrity, and principled commitments? How do we influence candidates during their candidacy and continue to hold them accountable after they have been elected? As it relates to endorsing policy—  how much do we focus on single, reformist issues rather than the deeply endemic fascist construct of racism inherent in U.S.? I think this is a common dilemma with which progressive organizations constantly struggle. I think SF D11 Dems is a logical place to begin thinking globally and acting locally.


Secretary: Vacant, , [email protected]


The Secretary shall keep the minutes of all meetings except Committee meetings. The Secretary shall write and keep all the correspondence of the Club.

This office is currently vacant. If you are interested please contact [email protected]




Treasurer:  Theodore Randolph,  [email protected]


The Treasurer shall be responsible for all fiscal matters; receipt of funds, payment of bills, maintenance of receipts, and membership records, and filing of FPPC reports and any other financial reports as required. The treasurer shall chair the Finance Committee.

Theo Randolph was kind enough to step up and take over the duties of treasurer


 Parliamentarian: Mary Goodnature, Merced Heights, [email protected]


The Parliamentarian shall advise the Club on Rules and Procedures. The Parliamentarian shall chair the Rules Committee.

Our current Parliamentarian is Mary Goodnature. She spent 8 years working overseas and has resided in San Francisco on and off since 1983. She has been a resident of District 11 since 1998.  Mary knew this is the only place she ever wanted to be.  After a temporary retirement, Mary ran for District 11 City Supervisor in 2008.  It was her introduction to the wonderful District 11 set of activists and community organizers, some of whom had founded this Club (thank you, Tony Sacco, Mary Harris, Claire Zvanski, Sharon Eberhardt, Al Harris, and more).   Mary also served as Club Treasurer from 2009 until 2011.  Mary continued serving on the Board and became a Parliamentarian in 2016.


Communications Officer: Brigitte Davila, Mission Terrace, [email protected]

The Communications Officer maintains the Club’s website and develops print, electronic and other communications. The Communications Chair also manages the Club’s social media presence and chairs the Communications Committee. See the full list of tasks and duties in the Communications Officer Description.

Outreach Officer: Maurice Rivers, Oceanview,  [email protected] 

Maurice Rivers is the Acting Outreach Officer a native of San Francisco, a lifelong resident of the Lakeview/OMI community in San Francisco District 11, a respected and driven community leader, and the executive director of the OMI Cultural Participation Project since 2018. He's an impassioned advocate, who builds alliances with everyone, fights for issues that affect our quality of life in  San Francisco District 11, and makes communities stronger. He has dedicated his career to helping his fellow man. He's an outstanding community leader and grassroots organizer, always looking to take on new challenges and roll up his sleeves.


At-Large Delegates: Nicky Trasvina,  Merced Heights, [email protected] & Roger Underhill, Ingleside, [email protected] 

The Delegates at Large shall function as liaisons between the members and the officers. They can and should take on other committee roles.



Membership: Claudia Revelo-Lee, Outer Mission, [email protected]

The Membership Chair manages membership recruitment, processes new and renewing member applications, and maintains accurate member records. Outreach is a major part of the duties, but developing and implementing a plan to achieve outreach objectives is essential. See the full list of tasks and duties in the Membership Chair Description.

Claudia Revelo Lee is the Acting  Membership Chair. She was born and raised in the Outer Mission, Excelsior, and Sunset neighborhoods of San Francisco. Her family came to this city in the 1970s and 1980s as immigrants from Trinidad and Tobago, and El Salvador. She is proud of the local communities and institutions that gave her family great opportunities; from our education within SFUSD, CCSF, and SFSU, to public sector jobs in education, healthcare, and the court system. As a D11 Dem, Claudia will protect and defend the progressive principles that gave her family members, and so many others like them, a fighting chance.

Social: Nicky Trasviña, Merced Heights [email protected]

PAC: (Political Action Committee) Alondra Esquivel, Ingleside, [email protected]

Alondra Esquivel Garcia is the current PAC Chair since 2022. She is also an Ingleside Resident. During this upcoming PAC term, she wants to engage more D11 residents in political action and policy creation. Alondra would like to make the endorsement process more accessible for youth and long-term D11 residents. As PAC Chair, she helps support the different functions of the D11 Democratic Club and ensures that the San Francisco District 11 Democratic Club is a powerful voice within the San Francisco Democratic Party. 


Ex officio: D11 Supervisor, Ahsha Safai, Excelsior

The Democratic member of the Board of Supervisors from District 11 is an ex officio Regular member.

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